Cigna Psychiatrist in New York

Cigna psychiatrists in New York include Skypiatrist, an online mental healthcare service. Learn more about Skypiatrist and how to access treatment.

Cigna Psychiatrist in New York

Work with an Online Cigna Psychiatrist in New York

Cigna Psychiatrist in New York

Have you been looking for an New York City psychiatrist or therapist that is in-network with your Cigna plan? With mental health services in high demand right now, it can be difficult to find the right doctor and to access the treatment you need. Skypiatrist is an all-online healthcare service that provides clients with the services they need, from evaluation to talk therapy to psychiatric medication management. Skypiatrist was conceived of and developed specifically to be an online-only service and the company has been offering virtual mental healthcare since 2016. Our skilled psychiatrists and therapists are experienced with online care, and our HIPAA-approved chat platform was designed to provide clients with a convenient way to access mental health services. Skypiatrist psychiatrists and therapists are in-network with Cigna, Aetna, Oscar, Oxford and United/Optum insurance plans, and also with Medicare (although not with Medicaid.) They also accept non-insurance patients. (Visit the Skypiatrist website to see if your insurance will cover your virtual visit.)

Cigna Psychiatrist in New York

Convenient and Efficient

There are many advantages to accessing mental health services through Skypiatrist. Using an online service is so much more efficient than commuting to a doctor’s office. You will save travel time, waiting time, and you will be more comfortable in your own surroundings.

Convenient and Efficient

Skypiatrist appointments cannot be double-booked, and they always begin on time. There is no awkward chat in the waiting room, and no need to read outdated magazines while waiting for your name to be called! And if you need a prescription for medications, your psychiatrist will send the prescription to your chosen pharmacy, and you can simply pick it up when you have time.

Online appointments are convenient in other ways, too. You never have to miss an appointment because you are out of town for work or pleasure; simply tune in from wherever you are. You can schedule appointments for the times that work for you, such as your lunch hour at work or school.

Children and teenagers are often more amenable to online appointments than they are to more traditional types of therapy. Skypiatrist professionals work with children aged 7+ and have developed ways to engage young people online.

Accessing Skypiatrist

Simply go to the Skypiatrist website and request an initial appointment. Most times, you’ll be able to schedule an appointment within two or three days.

Skypiatrist is easy to use; if you have a laptop, desk computer, tablet, or smartphone with a working videocamera, you will be able to connect to our video chat application. Unlike other types of video chat apps, all information during sessions is confidential, secure, encrypted and is subject to all protections of doctor-patient confidentiality. Video sessions are never recorded. In addition, your personal medical records are not accessible to anyone except your doctor—not any other Skypiatrist employees, your insurance provider, or anyone else. This is a level of privacy that is beyond that of most conventional psychiatrists’ offices.

Contact Skypiatrist today and access convenient professional mental health care for you and your family.